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Learn to Play


Email here with questions!


Learn To Play (“LTP”) is designed to introduce children to the sport of hockey while developing skating, puck handling (such as passing, receiving, and shooting), and team skills. There is also an emphasis on learning about hockey and having fun in a team-oriented environment. This program is for players ages 4-8 (as of Dec. 31) with no previous hockey experience. The on-ice sessions will feature an active clinic-style approach with lots of hands-on coaching and instruction.  The program is designed so that the youngest players (for instance, those starting at age 4 and 5) can spend a second season in LTP before moving up to the Y8U program.  Players who have never skated are strongly encouraged to take introductory skating lessons with Union Arena Skating Club prior to or concurrently with LTP.

WYH LTP 2024/2025

Session 1 (all new players ages 4-8 as of 12/31/24)

Dates: November through December 2024(Register separately for Bruins Academy)
Times: 8-9 am
Fee:  FREE!

Session 2 (all skaters age 4-6 as of 12/31/24)

Dates: January  2025 through February 2025 (New Registration required for Session 2)

Dates: TBD
Times: Saturday Mornings 8:30-9:30 am
Fee:  TBD

If a date gets canceled due to weather, an email will be sent to participants.

Other Info

BRUINS LEARN TO PLAY at Union Arena! (usually begins prior to our own Learn to Play program, includes brand new head-to-toe gear to keep and 4 on-ice sessions)

Dates for 2024:

Saturday, October 26 @ 8:00 AM

Saturday, November 2 @ 8:00 AM

Saturday, November 9 @ 8:00 AM

Saturday, November 16 @ 8:00 AM

Register here:   Bruins Academy Learn to Play 

Before Registering: All players must be registered with USA Hockey when signing up with Woodstock Youth Hockey. This annual registration fee is nominal and waived by USA Hockey for players aged 6 and under.  You'll be prompted to this screen when you begin the process!

WYH House

Ages:  6-12 (generally)

Dates: TBD
Times: TBD
Fee:  TBD
If a date gets canceled due to weather, an email will be sent to participants.


Hockey Equipment for Learn To Play Skaters

Hockey gear is sometimes a big question for new parents. Call anytime if you have any questions. 
Following is a list of required equipment for participation in the Learn To Play program:
Hockey helmet & Cage
Hockey skates (figure skates are not permitted)
Elbow pads and shin guards  (shoulder pads are reccomended)
Hockey gloves
Hockey pants

Hockey socks (or sweat pants are fine)
Athletic supporter with cup for the boys
Hockey stick -Straight blade is best --to start -Stick should be cut so it is NO higher than the player's nose when wearing shoes.  Tape blade and put a small knob at the top of the shaft. 

CURVED STICK: Many players are ready to make this move early.  Players should be encouraged to put their DOMINANT hand at the top of the stick.  Meaning... Right-Handed kids will use a "lefty" stick.  It is called a LEFT Curve because when the player holds it with their right hand on the top, the stick is to their LEFT SIDE.  The TOP HAND is the control, and the bottom hand is just strength and power.  Much of the time a player only has one hand on their stick, and for stick-handling, it is the TOP hand that does all the work, so it is important to (generally) put the better hand at the top.  Therefore, many players are ready to make this move early on. 

Need help dressing your player? Check out this helpful video!

Please put your child’s name on all of their gear, including hockey sticks. 

Union Arena has items for purchase - limited sizes available but a great place to start.  Stateline Sports in West Lebanon is a local, and bigger source for new hockey gear.  They offer “learn to play” equipment packages that are an easy way to get the equipment needed.  Also, many families in the area have (lightly) used gear that their children have outgrown so take advantage of your time at the rink to network with other hockey families.