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2025 Pot O'Gold


We will return March 14-16, 2025 - Registration is open!

The VERY popular Pot O'Gold Invitational brings Green Ice to Woodstock for three age groups and two divisions!

*Divisions & Skills Comp
Two Divisions offered per age group, 10U, 12U, 14U

registration is FULL! Register for our waitlist!

Y10U - FULL (waitlist option on registration)
Y12U - FULL (waitlist option on registration)

Y14U - FULL (waitlist option on registration)

Want to get on the waitlist? Contact Holly at:

The Registration "2025 Pot O'Gold" is not currently available.

FORMAT - 4 game minimum guarantee 
NO gate fee; All warm-up and game pucks are provided; USAH sanctioned tournament 
Union Arena will serve as the host facility with two other rinks providing space for additional games just 25 minutes away

2025 FEES - $1,500 with a $500 deposit due at registration
PAYABLE - online only - ACH or credit card 


Union Arena and Woodstock, over the past 14 years, have built a great record for hosting excellent tournaments, ranging from State Tournaments and USAH Regionals to many Invitationals, and providing visiting teams and their families with a fun, professional and exciting experience. We may not be the biggest name or tournament, but the product is among the best and the service and hospitality is hard to match.

Where to Eat

Quick Bites:

Sit Down Restaurants:

Grocery Stores

SEE SCORES AND GAMES IN LIVE TIME through our tournament site via GameSheet! Follow all the action all weekend long!  Take a look at last year's results for more information! Schedules, Results, and Standings will be viewable on our website.

Schedules and rules will be posted no later than TWO WEEKS prior to the event. Expect that information to be communicated by March 1.  


QUESTIONS? Need more Info?

Contact the Tournament Director, Holly Hall

C: 802.431.3421